
New GP Liaison Officer appointed


We are delighted to announce that Manjri Mountain has joined the Holly House team in the new role of GP Liaison Officer.

A graduate of Bournemouth University, Manjri joins Holly House having previously worked at Astra Zeneca.  Her new role as GP Liaison Officer involves supporting the GP community in their needs of Holly House and informing you of our services.  Manjri will work with you to identify and develop new services and understand how Holly House can better meet the needs of you and yoru patients.

Phil Bates, Hospital Director said: ‘The creation of this role is an exciting development for Holly House and is designed to support the local community in accessing private healthcare services at Holly House during a time of rapid change.  Manjri has an excellent track record in the sector and I am sure will be a great asset to the hospital.”

You can contact Manjri on 07912 575428 or email


Date: 19/04/2012