
Holly House staff get 'lippy' during Movember


Staff at Holly House have been growing weird and wonderful moustaches for the month-long charity phenomenon that is ‘Movember’.

At the start of ‘Movember’ eight clean-shaven members of our maintenance team committed to growing a moustache for the entire month to raise money for men’s cancer charities.  The team has already collectively raised in excess of £850 for The Prostate Cancer Charity and the Institute of Cancer Research, and hope to raise more before their moustaches are shaved off at the end of the month.  This fundraising is significant, when you consider that more than 10,000 men in the UK die every year from prostate cancer.

‘Movember’ is not just about raising funds, however, it is also about raising awareness of prostate and testicular cancer and the possible symptoms of these so-called ‘silent killers’.  The hospital as well as its staff is committed to preventative healthcare and raising awareness which is why the hospital offers screening to men between the ages of 40 and 75 years to assess their risk of prostate cancer.

Andrew van de Water, Building Services Manager at Holly House Hospital, who instigated his colleagues’ participation in ‘Movember’, said: “The guys have wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to grow moustaches and talk about them non-stop.  In fact some of us are becoming rather too fond of our mo’s and despite some light-hearted ribbing from others will be sad to them go.  It is an exceptionally deserving cause and we are delighted to support it.”

Staff showcasing their moustaches


Date: 28/11/2011