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Holly House Hospital helps raise money for Haven House Children’s Hospice

Holly House Private Hospital is once again sponsoring the Haven House Pumpkin Plod charity walk to help raise money for the Essex based children’s hospice.

The Pumpkin Plod is back for its second year and takes place on Sunday 25th October. With a choice of a 2k, 5k or 10k walk, it really is the perfect sponsored event for the whole family.

Registration and warm up will take place at Haven House Children’s Hospice from 2pm with stalls selling fun accessories for you to wear on your walk, pumpkin themed games to play and delicious refreshments available for all. The plods will start from 3pm.

Speaking about the event, Holly House Marketing Manager, Noleen Turner said, “We’re really pleased to be supporting the incredible work carried out by Haven House Children’s Hospice in caring for children with life-limiting and life-threatening illness as well as their families. We really encourage everyone from the local community to get involved and support this fun family event for a really fantastic cause.”

To take part in the 2k Plod 
Adult entry = £5.
Children (3 – 16years) = £3.
Children under 3 = £1.
Family team (four people, maximum two adults) = £15.

Suggested sponsorship £10 per person or £20 for a family.

To take part in the 5k Plod 
Adult entry = £7.
Children (3 – 16years) = £5 each.
Children under 3 = free.
Family team (four people, maximum two adults) = £20.

Suggested sponsorship £25 per person or £50 for a family.

To take part in the 10k Plod 
Adult entry = £10.
Children (3 – 16years) = £7.
Children under 3 = free.
Family team (four people, maximum two adults) = £28.

Suggested sponsorship £50 per person or £100 for a family.

The event will start and end at Haven House Children’s Hospice, High Road, Woodford Green, IG8 9LB.

To register for this event or for more information visit http://www.havenhouse.org.uk/news-events/events/518 or contact joannelazarus@havenhouse.org.uk or call 020 8498 5849.




Date: 14/09/2015
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