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The Holly offers new treatment option for men with enlarged prostate

(Pictured above Consultant Urological Surgeon Mr Stuart Graham (right) preparing to carry out the first UroLift® at the hospital with Consultant Urological Surgeon Mr John Peters (middle))

Urologists at The Holly Private Hospital are now offering UroLift® an innovative new treatment option for men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). UroLift® is unique in that it does not destroy tissue. Instead, the UroLift® System is a straightforward procedure that uses tiny implants to lift and hold the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way so it no longer blocks the urethra, resulting in improved urine flow.

Consultant Urological Surgeon Mr Stuart Graham carried out the first UroLift® procedure at The Holly Private Hospital in April this year. Speaking about the procedure, Mr Graham said:

“This is a fantastic new, NICE approved procedure which is great for men who need surgery, have the right shaped prostates, hate medication, and want to avoid erection problems. It’s quick, simple and has great results, I’m delighted that we can offer it through The Holly Private Hospital.”

How does UroLift® work?
The urologist places small, permanent implants into the prostate to lift and hold the enlarged tissue out of the way, relieving pressure on the urethra and allowing urine to flow. There is no cutting, heating or removal of the prostate tissue requires which means a minimally invasive, straightforward procedure and less downtime for patients.

Benefits of UroLift® 
Many men will prefer the UroLift® treatment to traditional treatments such as TURP, laser, thermotherapy or medication because:

  • it is less invasive than certain established methods
  • it can help relieve bothersome symptoms
  • it preserves sexual function, in particular maintaining normal ejaculation and sensation (1,2)
  • they can return to normal daily activities soon after treatment.

Who is a Candidate for UroLift®?
For men older than 50, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a most common prostate problem. For most of these men, medication is often the first choice of treatment. However, for younger patients with a relatively small to moderate sized prostate gland who do not want to take a daily dose of medication, the UroLift treatment is ideal.

The prostatic urethral lift (PUL) procedure using the UroLift® device is now available at The Holly Private Hospital with Consultant Urologist Mr Stuart Graham and Consultant Urological Surgeon Mr John Peters.

1.     Roehrborn, J Urology 2013 LIFT Study
2.     McVary, J Sexual Medicine 2014

For more information on the UroLift® procedure please visit here

To book an appointment for a consultation please telephone 020 8936 1157. 


What is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
is a condition in which the prostate gland becomes very enlarged. This may block or reduce the flow of urine. While each patient may experience different individual or combined symptoms, the most common symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) include:

  1. Leaking of urine
  2. More frequent urination during the night
  3. Urgent need  to urinate
  4. Inability to urinate
  5. Difficulty emptying the bladder
  6. Difficulty or delay in starting urination
  7. Discomfort.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases:

  1. BPH rarely causes symptoms before age 40.
  2. More than half of men in their 60s have some symptoms of BPH.
  3. As many as 90 percent of men in their 70s and 80s have some BPH symptoms

Diagnosis of an enlarged prostate is sometimes found during a routine rectal examination. BPH can also be diagnosed by the use of common tests such as a urinalysis, a urine study flow, a cystoscopy or a transrectal ultrasound.

Date: 03/05/2016
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