Weight loss

Kick start your weight loss journey with our bank of
expert advice to help you lose weight safely and keep it
off in the long term.

Weight loss fundamentals

We all know that carrying excess weight is bad for us, but what does it mean for your health?
Carrying excess weight increases your risk of potentially life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Losing weight can reduce these risks significantly.

Understanding calories vs exercise

BMI and Body Fat

BMI is the most consistently used measurement of weight in the health sector. But it's not perfect.  Even if your BMI is normal, you can have an above average body fat percentage. It’s not just about what you see on the outside, there’s fat that accumulates around the organs, called visceral fat; a primary site for pro-inflammatory hormones that can lead to diabetes.

Do you know your Body Mass Index (BMI)?

What is my BMI?

What is a body fat percentage?

My Body Fat Percentage

The highs and lows of weight loss

When you’ve been living with excess body fat, losing weight can feel like a great achievement. But the journey to get there can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. Watch some of the situations you may encounter and what you can do about them:

The emotional rollercoaster of weight loss

Finding time to exercise

Keeping active is key to maintaining a healthy weight, but sometimes it can feel like there’s not enough time. If that sounds familiar, try HIIT workouts. You only need 30 minutes a day, three times a week to see measurable differences. Alternatively, a personal trainer can provide advice to help you achieve your goals in the time you have available

More on HIIT exercise

Anytime, anywhere

You don’t need to go to the gym to lose weight; increasing your heart rate and making sure you dedicate time every day to moving your body is the important thing. Doing exercise you enjoy is the key to maintaining motivation long term, whether that’s swimming, cycling, playing sports or classes. If you’re struggling to find the time, discover simple workouts you can do anytime, anywhere.

Exercise for the over 55s

As you get older, the best way to keep your body strong and maintain a healthy weight is through diet and exercise. But as we age our bodies change and you may want to adapt the exercise that you do. This might mean opting for lower-impact exercise, or for others it might mean maintaining or building strength.

Understanding fat and sugar

Myth: You should avoid fat

Did you know there’s a difference between healthy fats and unhealthy fats? Generally, saturated fats should be avoided, but monounsaturated fats are good for you and should be consumed regularly as part of a balanced diet. Figuring out what you should and shouldn't be eating can be confusing. If you need some advice, find out about our nutritional therapy services.

Guide to healthy fats


The big weight gain culprit: sugar

Sugar can provide a quick energy boost but this is only short lived. A sugar drop always follows a sugar high leading to a cycle of peaks and troughs throughout the day. Sugar that is not used up immediately is stored as fat, becoming a contributing factor to obesity and fatigue as well as increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Finding the sugar balance


Build your own healthy meals with our pick and mix charts


If you haven’t got the right motivation to change your lifestyle, you may not succeed long term. Breaking through the mental barriers can be difficult, but by setting small goals you can make a big difference.

Try integrating small tips into your routine:

    1Drink more water
    2Have regular mini exercise breaks
    3Play games instead of watching TV
    4Hand wash the dishes
    5Buy food in smaller quantities.

Setting small goals

You can do it, read our success stories

Andy's need for change

Andy knew he was getting larger, but it wasn't until he joined our Healthy Weight Programme that he realised he needed to change.

Sam's Health MOT  

Sam had a Health MOT and it helped her lose six stone in one year.

Weight loss surgery

Weight loss surgery is something that you may consider if you aren’t progressing with weight loss by yourself. Surgery can improve your life, but it’s not a one-stop solution for your weight problems. Getting your body in shape takes commitment with or without surgery.

3 hard truths you should know about bariatric weight loss surgery:

1. Your relationship with food will be altered - you will feel full after two to three mouthfuls.

2. You’ll be consuming smaller amounts of food, so you will need to replace quantity with quality.

3. Drinks are not restricted by bands, sleeves or bypasses. If you drink lots of sugary drinks, or melted down food, you won’t lose weight.